Friday, November 4, 2011

The Wave ( a short story? something ive been working on, i hope you like it...)

he saw it again... it was the third time today... why must it be so? he thought to himself.. why must something so small and insignifficant be so important? why does it affect me? why do i even notice it? it seems so trivial.. and yet... so important? is it important? he ponders this... perhaps... perhaps if i try it... i might understand it... YES, that seems a sound theroy. so he does try.. and yet.. no one notices... he thinks to himself.. its ok.. that one just didnt notice... so he tries again.. no luck.. he wanders if he is some how doing this wrong.. again he trys and fails... WHY, he askes himself.. it seemed so simple and yet... he tries again.. no.. no responce... it tears at him.. and he becomes desperate for an answer... WHY? he screams in rage... he trys again.. and tthere? is it? YES it is, some one noticed... someone saw his reaching.. to be recignized as living...
 on this endless highway...
someone saw...
The wave.

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